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Day 136 - 2/22/19

Another day of feeling fatigue. I’ve slept most of the day, but I’ve also noticed that the pain waves have not begun. It could be my imagination…. Or my knowledge of this being my last round of chemo side-effects… but this “Day 4” doesn’t feel as bad as my other “Day 4’s”. Maybe it will hit me a little later, but for now, I’m not having any pain waves.

The fatigue does seem more intense, so I’m welcoming the sleep cycles. I am ever so grateful that this is the last cycle of feeling like this, though. As much as I loved sleep before, I can honestly say that I’m tired of sleeping. :)

…. Later in the evening, the pain waves begin. I was beginning to think…. And hope…. That they weren’t going to come… Oh well, there’s consolation that this is the last cycle of them. I’m looking forward to the end of them.

" Again I saw that under the sun the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to those with knowledge, but time and chance happen to them all." Ecclesiastes 9: 11 (ESV)

Day 139:


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