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Day 49 - 11/27/18

Up early to start the medication regimen. Nausea medication, steroids, peripheral neuropathy prevention, supplements, breakfast. Whew! That’s a lot! And that’s just the morning round! I am so thankful to one of my co-workers who gave me an organized binder to keep track of everything. Because of her, I have a log to track all of my medications to ensure that I don’t miss anything. There is NO way I would be able to keep up with all of this.

The afternoon regimen is not as intense because I’m taking less medications, but the intense hunger that I feel throughout the day is serious! I know it’s because of the steroids, but man! Every time I look up I’m wanting to eat. And, of course, the majority of the foods that I can taste are not the healthiest. I'm trying my best to limit junk foods, but it is not easy.

As long as I stay up on the nausea medicines, I won’t start feeling any negative side effects for at least another day. This allows me to do some light housework. I want to organize the things around me because, starting tomorrow, I’m not going to have the energy to move around a lot. It helps me to feel comfortable if I can have everything I’ll need within arm’s reach.

Today I also tried out online shopping. I don’t usually shop online because I’d rather be in stores looking at the merchandise I’m purchasing. It just doesn’t feel right to spend money on something that I can’t hold in my hands, but oh well, I’ll have to get over it. Because of the decreased effectiveness of my immune system, I have to limit going in public places. As it turned out though, the shopping wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I got the majority of my Christmas shopping done, so this has been a very productive day!

The dinner and evening regimen is as intense as the morning regimen, so after I complete it, I re-review my logs to make sure I’m not missing anything. Knowing that my fatigue level will be declining tomorrow, I head to bed early. The next few days will be the hardest part of the chemo treatment….

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29: 11 NIV

Day 50:


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