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Day 70 - 12/18/18

I woke up in the middle of the night and had difficulty falling back asleep. Even though I’m not feeling any nausea, I took more nausea medication. Taking it like this has proven to work because I have not had any vomiting during any of my treatment sessions.

The only thing to do in the middle of the night is pray, so I began to send prayers up for everyone that crosses my mind. Praying for my prayer warriors as God puts them on my heart individually. I may not know what they need, but God does. Praying for my family. Praying for others who are touched by cancer and don't understand the whys and the hows to make it through the emotional roller coaster that comes with the diagnosis. After an hour or two, I eventually dosed back off to sleep.

Waking up a little later in the morning, I complete my morning routine. Breakfast, medications, etc. I’ll take the remainder of my time awake getting some much needed writing out of the way. It feels good to get my thoughts out of my head and onto something tangible—that I can express in my blog and read when I need motivation. I’m quite a bit behind on updating my blog, so if I can complete at least one blog today, I’d feel accomplished.

Once that is done, I spend the remainder of the day relaxing, in preparation for what’s to come starting tomorrow—when the effects of the chemo begin to hit my body. As the evening comes, and I complete my medication regimen, I fall in and out of sleep multiple times. It feels like I’m still trying to catch up on the sleep that I missed Sunday night, so I’m not fighting it.

As I’m in and out of consciousness, I think about all of the people in my life that continue to encourage me, and I am so thankful for them. I pray God’s abundant blessings on them because their encouragement helps me to stay positive through this. I also have to thank my husband and children because they are making sure that I don’t have any other worries right now. For anyone who has been through this themselves or with a loved one, they can attest that this is truly a fight. Not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually also. I am truly blessed to have so many loving and caring people in my life.

“The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.” Proverbs 10: 22 KJV

Day 71:


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